Do you have any friends (1) talk too much?Maybe they're just very happ ...《看全文》
Decline or Accept? The apartment is decorated, and Angela and Jackson are setting on the sofa. A Angela J Jackson G Gordon ...《看全文》
Can you come to a party? Jackson walks into the living room carrying an empty box. J Jackson A Angela J:Well, I've unpack ...《看全文》
The Emperor and Empress of Heaven were angry that their daughter had married a cowherd. The Empress came to earth and found Zhi ...《看全文》
Once upon a time, there was a nice young man who was called Niulang(牛郎), which means cowherd. One day, kind-hearted Niulang too ...《看全文》
You may be able to score high on a guitar video game, but can you jump, spin, and strut like a rock star? If so, you may be rea ...《看全文》