For people in a relationship.
They see to it that they are the happiest couple in the world.
They spend this special day together,
with bouquet of roses and heart- shaped chocolates,
going to movies/malls, walking ⋯⋯ hand-in-hand.
For single people. They feel that they will be forever alone,
that no one is meant to make them happy.
They get envy with girls with dozens of roses together with their boyfriends.
But the truth is, single or not,
you should still celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Just because you’re single,
it doesn’t mean that you should be bitter of the fact that no one is there for you on that romantic day. Who knows, maybe the next Valentine’s Day
you’ll be with someone. Just wait for the right time.
Time will come. Because in this world,
we’re meant for someone, we just haven’t found that person yet.
But they will come soon. "Happy Valentine Days."