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 David 的日記本
男女滿足十個條件,才能做夫妻 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 【星座】痴心星座排行榜
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篇名: 別讓內疚主宰生命:你要先學會原
作者: David 日期: 2013.03.02  天氣:  心情:


轉載自網路文章 : 滬江英語  作者:李佳鎣

  1. Guilt comes from a frightened part of your personality.
  1. 內疚來源於你性格中害怕的部分。
  The actions that you regret also came from a frightened part of your
personality. Following fear with fear moves you in the opposite direction
that your spiritual development requires, which is toward love.
  2. Guilt impairs your ability to learn from your experiences.
  2. 內疚阻礙了你從經驗中學習的能力。
  When you see something that you could have done differently, remember
how you could have spoken or acted in love instead of fear. This helps you apply what you have learned and keeps you from feeling more guilty. Your experiences are designed to support, and benefit you, not cause you to contract into fear and remorse.
  3. Guilt keeps you from being honest with others and yourself.
  3. 內疚讓你不誠實地面對他人和自己。
  It keeps you from seeing that you cannot cause another person emotional pain. You can trigger emotional pain in others, but their pain comes from inside them, not from you. Their pain is an opportunity for them to learn about themselves. Your pain is an opportunity for you to learn about yourself. Guilt distracts you from that crucial lesson.
  4. The relationship between guilt and forgiveness may surprise you.
  4. 你可能會訝異內疚與原諒的關係。
  Guilt is actually a twisted or manipulative way of seeking forgiveness.
It is the belief that if you inflict suffering on yourself for your choices,
another will forgive you for them. This is belief keeps you in pain because
only you can forgive yourself.
  5. You cannot give the gifts that your soul wants you to give while you are feeling guilty.
  5. 當你有負罪感時,就不能發揮靈魂給予你的天賦。

  Your gifts may be to raise a family, create a new kind of business,
write a book, or dance. When you choose not to forgive yourself, you choose
not to give the gifts your soul wants to give. You can choose otherwise.
Youlike everyonehave gifts and you were born to give them.

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男女滿足十個條件,才能做夫妻 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 【星座】痴心星座排行榜