1.Watch the sunset together.一齊欣賞日落。 2.Whisper to each other.向對方喃喃細語。 3.Cook for each other.為對方下廚。 4.Walk in the rain.在雨中漫步。 5.Hold hands.緊握對方。 6.Buy gifts for each other.互贈禮物。 7.Roses.玫瑰花不可小。 8.Find out their favorite cologne/perfume and wear it every time you're together. 每次一齊的時侯,為對方酒上喜愛的古龍水或香水。 9.Go for a long walk down the beach at midnight.午夜時份到海灘漫步。 10.Write poetry for each other.為對方寫下詩句。