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篇名: 受日本地震影響嗎 !!!
作者: Eddy 日期: 2011.04.15  天氣:  心情:

受日本地震影響嗎 !!! ( 怪象 ) 墨西哥度假勝地阿卡普爾科一個海灘周五(當地時間11 日)出現奇觀,大批沙丁魚、鳳尾魚、鲈魚和鲭魚集體遊近岸邊,讓漁夫不費吹灰之力就輕鬆捕獲大量的魚。 據報道,密密麻麻的魚群覆蓋了阿卡普爾科的大片海岸,從岸上看去,還以爲有大面積漏油浮在海面。 興奮的漁夫匆匆把木船劃向魚群,他們放下魚竿和漁網,改以水桶撈魚,結果不必費什麽功夫就滿載而歸。 其中一名漁夫說:“好玩極了。那裏大約有20至30個漁夫,也有人帶着孩子去撈魚。漁民認爲,這項奇觀是由日本大地震引發大海嘯,海嘯捲起不尋常的現象? 不過,專家無法證實這一點。 美國地質調查局的地質學家布裏格斯表示:“海嘯是會改變水流,但是很難確定這兩件事有關聯。! Japan earthquake did !!! ( As ) Mexico a beach resort of Acapulco on Friday (Local time,11 days) Wonder appears, a large number of sardine, anchovy, sea bass and mackerel collective swimming near the shore, fisherman cake easily capture large amounts of fish. It is reported that numerous fish covering the vast coast of Acapulco , looked from the shore, also think there is a large area leakage of oil floating in the sea. Fisherman in a rush of excitement to wooden fish, they put down the fishing rod, fishing net, changed water to catch fish, and satisfaction without little effort. One fisherman says: “ Fun of it. There have about20to 30a fisherman, and they brought their children to catch fish. Fishermen believe that the spectacle was the Japan earthquake triggered tsunamis, tsunami roll up unusual phenomena ? However, experts could not confirm this. United States Geological Survey geologist Briggs says: “ Tsunami is going to change the water flow, but it is difficult to determine these two things related. !
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時間:2011-04-15 17:59
她, 59歲,台南市,其他
