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 水草 的日記本
第一任女友跟現任女友的差別 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 微軟中國總裁在大學演講內容
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篇名: 機會常偽裝成不幸
作者: 水草 日期: 2010.08.01  天氣:  心情:


Chance always personates become unfortunately



Thereis an individual go a major company subscribe public relation manager, Companywill enroll quota nothing but a, Never thought that registers personunexpectedly come from unexpected many, Passes through hot ring upon ring examwith barrier s selection. At last, He finallies receive interview requisition.
Never thought that, Wheels go he come into board chairman room time, Hesunexpectedly long in front of fall a tumble at director, And will be datasprinkle man field in haft, Onlies see his unhurried field, One by one pick uprise, And smiles field walk to interview official s in the front of sit down.Really good, Board chairman straight on the head 1 problems ask him, Do youfeel such matter can affect your interview achievements? < FONT>>



Onlies see thispeople smilingly answer: In life s journey, Time ordinary session have a mindto never thought that matter impact us, But these hits can bring forth shi moyang de result, Hold as what kind of attitude looks we are go face, Becausedifferent attitude, Then will bring forth different result. Usually I all canas calmly, Active, Positive-going attitude go face, As long as finish strength,I then not very care result is how.
Supposing that, Very worry about personal gains and losses, Instead can notwill real strength exhibit out. Much less, There are many matters result, Andcan not grasp zhi at me. Then like today this a matter s achievements is graspzhi at director long in hand, So, Will can not affect I interview achievements,Should be want ask you, Actually, Is this too I want ask a problem!





Chancealways personates become unfortunately
There is an individual go a major company subscribe public relation manager,Company will enroll quota nothing but a, Never thought that registers personunexpectedly come from unexpected many, Passes through hot ring upon ring examwith barrier s selection. At last, He finallies receive interview requisition.
Never thought that, Wheels go he come into board chairman room time, Hesunexpectedly long in front of fall a tumble at director, And will be datasprinkle man field in haft, Onlies see his unhurried field, One by one pick uprise, And smiles field walk to interview official s in the front of sit down.Really good, Board chairman straight on the head 1 problems ask him, Do youfeel such matter can affect your interview achievements?
Onlies see this people smilingly answer: In life s journey, Time ordinarysession have a mind to never thought that matter impact us, But these hits canbring forth shi mo yang de result, Hold as what kind of attitude looks we arego face, Because different attitude, Then will bring forth different result.Usually I all can as calmly, Active, Positive-going attitude go face, As longas finish strength, I then not very care result is how.
Supposing that, Very worry about personal gains and losses, Instead can notwill real strength exhibit out. Much less, There are many matters result, Andcan not grasp zhi at me. Then like today this a matter s achievements is graspzhi at director long in hand, So, Will can not affect I interview achievements,Should be want ask you, Actually, Is this too I want ask a problem!

Afterwhile, He receive enroll requisition, Director long comments speech following:You are a tumble fall enter our company.
Mean is say, Because, You fall a tumble after deal with suitable, Just coverenroll.

So, Ifhas no fall that tumble, Perhaps gives back can not exhibit come out yourcrisis handling capacity, But lets board chairman appreciation.
In life s journey, Ases inferior to meaning s matter come temporary, Do notdispirit or light talk give up, Because, Chance frequently personates becomeunfortunately, Come feels us, How to does hold look we come reply!

瀏覽次數:50    人氣指數:230    累積鼓勵:9
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