檔案狀態:    住戶編號:2337468
 守護天使微風〥最愛老婆心 的日記本
1816 連吃大閘蟹 孕婦流產 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 1818 佛法是救世的良藥
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篇名: 1817 證嚴法師說故事09
作者: 守護天使微風〥最愛老婆心 日期: 2012.10.24  天氣:  心情:


白銀與毒蛇 Silver and snakes

There was one occasion where Buddha and his follower, Ananda, were walking on the road. All of a sudden, Buddha said: "Ananda, there are poisonous snakes!" Ananda thought that there were actually poisonous snakes, but after he had a look, it was in fact a pile of shiny silver. Nevertheless, Ananda answered: "Yes Master, there are poisonous snakes! " They turned a blind eye to it and kept walking.

Behind them, there were a father and son who over heard what Buddha and Ananda said about the snakes. Their curiosity was aroused and they went to have a look, "Wow! These are not poisonous snakes. This is a pile of shinny silver! "
The father and son were very excited by what they saw. The father told his son, "Quickly, let’s take it home. We will make a fortune!" They happily went home with the silver and used it in the market.
Little did they know, the silver was stolen from the state treasury. The thieves wanted to hide the sliver for the moment until the heat dies down. They didn’t expect Buddha and Ananda to discover the spoil, let alone having it taken by the father and son.
In the city, the officials had already issued a warrant for the arrest of the burglars. The silver had the official seal of “State Currency” imprinted on it and since the father and son were seen using it in the market, they were charged with the offence of stealing from state treasury. So they were arrested and were even given a death sentence and finally led to the execution ground. When the father and son were about to be executed, the father sighed, "My son! They are truly poisonous snakes. We have now been bitten by them."
The executor over heard them and thought it strange. He reported the incident to the King. The King thought that these words had deep meanings which were not thoughts from ordinary farmers, so he summoned them back. The King personally interrogated them and uncovered the full story. The King realised that the father and son simply picked up the sliver, not stealing it, so he set them free.
Greed determines whether our hearts are agitated or not by external circumstances. It is very difficult for ordinary people not to be affected by external circumstances.  Like the father and son who saw the pile of silver, how could they resist such temptation?
In contrast, Buddha and Ananda treated it as poisonous snakes. Not only were they not tempted by it, they avoided it by keeping a good distance. This is the difference between ordinary people and saints.
An ordinary mind is easily affected by external circumstances and drawn into a world of ever changing forms with its tribulations.  The key to studying Buddhism is to tame this ordinary mind and enables it to be spontaneously mindful.
Why is the ordinary mind so easily affected by external circumstances? Simply, it is the preoccupation with greed. People who covet sex will indulge in sexual desire. Minor indulgence results in family disharmony, whereas over indulgence causes family break up.  People who covet wealth will indulge in pursuing money. It may result in unsettled minds for minor indulgence but they lose their minds and all their possessions when they over indulge. Often a lot people indulge in gambling or speculate in the share market and suffer various kinds of calamities from the inability to cope with losses or stresses.
As the saying goes: "Sex does not tempt people, people tempt themselves; Money is not harmful, people harm themselves." A wise person will look at the temptations of wealth, sex, and fame lightly. Being fortunate enough to be born as human beings, we should function to benefit the masses, and to spread pure and great love. This is the wisdom of bodhisattvas and the nature of Buddha!
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1816 連吃大閘蟹 孕婦流產 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 1818 佛法是救世的良藥