It was very funny. I just went to my farewell party yesterday. Why funny? I attended numerous farewell parties, including for people I did not know very well. I still remember the first farewell party I attended is for Jihua at 2003. At that time I was thinking when I will leave here. Then there were more farewell parties for, Changhui, Suzannah, Santosh, Mark, and Shaolin etc. 8 years past, now here I am and hold a book introducing New York with beautiful cover, which every member from our laboratory got one before he/she left.
Sometimes I dream myself taking a train to somewhere.
Yes, life is like taking a train. You will see many passengers boarding the same car with you. You might smile to them, greet them, or even befriend with them. As the train moves on to the next place, you will see many people get their packages and off the train. You will feel sad but you can only say goodbye to them. At the same time, there are more people getting in the car. Until one day, this is it. It is your stop.
Now, I stand on the platform and smile to my friends. Thank you, guys. Because of you, my life is full of fun. Because of you, I survive the challenge of PhD training. Because of you, I did not feel lonely over every holiday season. Take care my friends. I will move on to my next destination and give you my best wish. So long.
Today, my friend just gave me several Pomelo Pastry which her mother brought directly from Taiwan. The moment she took them out from her bag and hand them to me touched my heart. I always got a lot of food from her and my another friend. They always think of me. You cannot image how important a friend can be until you go abroad. Thanks, my dear friends. I wish you all the best.