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 死神殿-藍天_堅持、信念 的日記本
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篇名: 救救牠【轉】
作者: 死神殿-藍天_堅持、信念 日期: 2010.07.29  天氣:  心情:

這孩子 漂亮虎斑 現在在新屋收容所裡
很親人的孩子 非常愛撒嬌 .... 只剩1天可活了 (7.30 週五 死刑名單中)

大家請按~"分享"~幫忙推! 為牠在被處死前找個家。

⋯⋯這是從Annie部落格轉貼過來的訊息,關於小虎斑最即時的狀況更新,請以Annie的部落格更新為主, 版主不能及時更新, 謝謝大家!
Annie的部落格 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/Annie0221/2339136


Courtesy Posting: We would like to spread the word for Annie, a volunteer at the county pound to save this doggy. She doesn't have much time left..

In Taiwan, a dog only has 12 days to live at the government pound. Thus, as of now, she is scheduled to be killed on 7/30 (Taiwan time) if cannot find a forever or foster home. (On average 200-400 dogs are killed at this particular pound every week.)

Please also check Annie's page for other dogs that are facing the same fate:
http://www.wretch.cc/blog/Annie0221/2339136. If you are in Taiwan, please click the Share button to spread the word to save these doggies.

If you are interested to adopt the dog, please call Annie DIRECTLY 886-938155572 (leave msg if no answers.) or email Annie aa00520@yahoo.com.tw

Please note that this is a courtesy posting for Annie. Sadly TUAPA is unable to help with these doggies... we don't have the money nor the man power. In addition, the pound is far away from our location. TUAPA has nearly 1,000 dogs at the shelter, to ensure the living quality of the doggies at the shelter, we really have no room for new doggies. If you would like to adopt this dog or any other dogs on her posting, please contact Annie directly. Thank you.

我們可以選擇不去看 不去面對 ~

但 這些孩子們能嗎?
每天眼睛睜開 生命有少了一天
想逃 想躲 都逃避不了~
即使看著同伴一個一個死去 是多麼害怕
努力救救這些無辜可憐的孩子們吧 !!

Annie 0938155572
信箱 aa00520@yahoo.com.tw
如果上班未接聽 請留言或簡訊
~ 12天是每個孩子的極限 !

桃園縣新屋鄉永興村三鄰大牛欄 117 號

開放時間:每週二、四、六、早上 10 時到下午 3 時(國定假日休園)
連絡電話: 03-4861760

關於認養 希望大家能多想想清楚 別再傷害這些無辜的生命..拜託!!
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