i had fun working today....
but it was really....stupid??
i got keys for the safe box that needed to try to open
8 master keys, and 22 pairs of other keys
at first, i thought it would be easy, all i need to do it get the right key in and it ll open
= =
wow...i was happy too early
i walked into the safe box storage room o.O
holy crap~....theres like more than 600 boxes
i was standing there thinking~ " do i have to find the right box now?!?!"
8 master keys need to be tried on 22 pairs of random keys to find the right safe box
spend 2.5 hours in the safe box storage putting keys in key holes turning them trying to get them open
out of 22 keys....only 1 that opens
inserting keys for 3,520 times isnt fun....sitting in the room with boxes isnt fun.....
driving me nuts = =" [:6]