(納稅人養18趴 每年逾700億, 政府每年必須補貼利差高達七百多億元,平均每位國民每年要負擔三千多元,
Why? Why should you and I have to be Taxed more money and pay for someone else who is no more 弱勢族群)
* Ha, Taking the money is legally -- what is 道德有罪?
* Every one who is entitled to get the retirement money
* -- either a teacher a lower level government officer or
* a lower level military officer,there is no 道德有罪 this thing
* 馬英九 when he was Taipei Major got lawsuit on corruption public money --- Ma sent public money
* to his wife is really 道德有罪
* 國民黨 is promoting 蘇貞昌 is a divide & conquer method,
* that also tell a truth "國民黨 is afraid of 蔡英文"
* becoming DDP s presidential candidate
* 蔡英文 and DDP should keep pressure on KMT (Ma) to get reform of 18%
* to save Taiwan Public money , Then DDP will win the president seat on
* 2012 -- Does not matter is 蔡英文, 蘇貞昌, 呂秀蓮 or someone else