Tokyo (CNN) -- Japan s nuclear safety agency on Friday worsened its assessment of problems at the Fukushima nuclear power plant as soldiers and utility workers continued a frantic effort to hose down overheating nuclear fuel with water cannons.
The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency raised the level from a 4 to 5 -- putting it on par with the 1979 incident at Pennsylvania s Three Mile Island.
為防日本輻射塵對台造成污染,衛生署與國防部昨也在三軍總醫院進行「疑似輻射傷害病患緊急醫療處置」演習。另因美國毒物管制中心協會(American Association of Poison Control Centers)指出至少接獲7人因想防輻射污染自行服用碘片,卻造成嘔吐、心跳加速等症狀,原能會昨再次提醒目前未到須服碘片時候。
Japan Now admitted the crisis is bigger than Grade 4...
USA, French think it is Grade 6 now
USA nuclear expert even said: Japan is trying to solve the unsolvable problem,... which meant
the actions they took are not effective, cannot really solve the problem and may let the problem
Radioactive fallout will be blown to West coast of USA by tomorrow, 3/19/2011. But, it seems not
going to have danger to people in USA at this moment.
台灣大學職業醫學與工業衛生研究所教授詹長權,昨在一場福島核災與公共安全會議中指出,各國都不敢說不受輻射塵影響,原能會卻說國內不受影響,「評估太大膽 ---> watch out this sentence, Taiwan 原能會 may under
Political influenced... and not telling truth.
Alert is needed on the crisis....