醫療早收清單 兵臨城下
〔記者李欣芳/台北報導 2010-05-1〕馬總統昨表明盼兩岸速簽ECFA,否則「我們是一暝大一寸,別的國家是一暝大三寸」,民進黨主席蔡英文反駁說,馬一再信心喊話,證明無法以道理說服人民,以致雙英辯論後還是很多人不了解ECFA。
談開放 質疑今天拒絕 下次還能嗎
Original News link: http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2010/new/may/1/today-fo1.htm
Once China ask Taiwan to open 醫療產業與牙醫,連會計服務也在裡面... then , Nurse, Doctor, Dentist, Accountant all will be affected. In general, China s same kind of jobs pay only 1/3th or 1/4th of Taiwan s, And, china, they are much poor in service of work on 醫療產業與牙醫 會計 .If allow Chinese to come to Taiwan to do 醫療產業與牙醫 & 會計, then a lot of people will lose their jobs, now they have, in Taiwan. In USA, all these ...jobs need college study (diploma) and passed the test in order to become a Nurse, Doctor, Dentist, or Accountant (CPA). I guess, if Ma get re-elected, then these jobs will be very likely open to Chinese. But, if Tsai Yin-Wen get elected , then, these jobs will not be opened to Chinese.
My Observation: ECFA is just a game of Divide & Conquer , Sweeten some industries first, then take away some other industry s job in Taiwan. Taiwan people have to know about it -- what will be next jobs to open to Chinese!!!