Salary in USA usually is 2x to 10x of what Taiwan s salary for the same job say, a nurse , if a nurse in Taiwan making monthly of NT 35,000 for the beginner, in USA,a beginner nurse can make USA dollar say $4000 per month, then that is around 4 times of Taiwan s salary (by the way, I heard some top nurse making more than $10,000 USA dollar per month)
In general, USA s pay is better than Taiwan; inflation is low, so buying name brand clothes are not that difficult, driving a nice car or have a boat is relatively easy compared to Taiwan.
Although, 2008 s secondary mortgage financial problem made USA in bad shape now, I still see USA is a land of full of chances & opportunities. USA s success is based on the very fine structure of democracy, balanced power, wide open land & resources, and most of all-- the USA government is to the people, for the people and owned by the people living in the USA continental.