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篇名: AI's Limitation
作者: wayne 日期: 2017.03.07  天氣:  心情:
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, may be a very powerful tool that could beat men at their own game.
But after all it's only a tool designed by men to perform tasks and solve problems. It can never replace human brains that are capable of thinking, feeling, self reflection, researching, creating, meditating...

AI is very much inferior in that it could have the intelligence of all human kind put together but lack the wisdom you or I may have.

It can't have emotions such as pleasure, pain or sadness.

It can't differentiate between right and wrong or justice and injustice unless those concepts are defined and programmed into it by its creator. Judging from men's poor record of telling what's right or wrong, AI created by men would have a most confused, bizarre, and berserk set of values.

And then could AI possess things like courage or loyalty?
And what about intuition, sacrifice, sense of humor, the ability to write interesting stories, movie scripts, or good music?

Need I say more? I rest my case.
瀏覽次數:66    人氣指數:266    累積鼓勵:10
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