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篇名: An Eye-Opener
作者: wayne 日期: 2017.04.09  天氣:  心情:

Here's how much the average family has saved for retirement at every age:

When it comes to retirement savings, how do you stack up?

According to a report from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), the mean retirement savings of all working-age families, which the EPI defines as those between 32 and 61 years old, is $95,776.

But that number doesn't tell the whole story. Since so many families have zero savings and since super-savers can pull up the average, the median savings, or those at the 50th percentile, may be a better gauge. The median for all working-age families in the U.S. is just $5,000.

As the charts show, retirement preparedness varies by age. Not surprisingly, younger families have less stashed away. Here's a breakdown of the mean and median retirement savings of U.S. families at every age:

Mean retirement savings of families between 32 and 37: $31,644
Median retirement savings of families between 32 and 37: $480

Mean retirement savings of families between 38 and 43: $67,270
Median retirement savings of families between 38 and 43: $4,200

Mean retirement savings of families between 44 and 49: $81,347
Median retirement savings of families between 44 and 49: $6,200

Mean retirement savings of families between 50 and 55: $124,831
Median retirement savings of families between 50 and 55: $8,000

Mean retirement savings of families between 56 and 61: $163,577
Median retirement savings of families between 56 and 61: $17,000

How big should your nest egg be?

The answer is highly personal, and specific dollar amounts can be arbitrary, but according to retirement-plan provider Fidelity Investments, a good rule of thumb is to have 10 times your final salary in savings if you want to retire by age 67.

Fidelity also suggests a timeline to use in order to get to that magic number:

By 30: Have the equivalent of your salary saved
By 40: Have three times your salary saved
By 50: Have six times your salary saved
By 60: Have eight times your salary saved
By 67: Have 10 times your salary saved
瀏覽次數:73    人氣指數:673    累積鼓勵:30
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