knew this is not gana be my year
why did i have headache for such a long time....well obvoiusly cuz of the stupid weather that made me caught a cold
cant believe myself that i can even get a cold like that
i dont even remember the last time i had a cold but out of no where i just caught a cold last month
well i ve been much better now but it made me feel like shit for 3 weeks [:6]
cant really focus in school, dont even feel like doing assignments, dont have much energy, dont even wana go anywhere...thats the worst feeling
but lucky, i had a really good friend who is a good cook and he gave me some of his hand made food which it cures sickness
now im back in gym [:D] veryyyy happppy!!!
and guess like i will also need to change some of my goals cuz i achieved over my goal :)
one question:
is it normal if a person weigh 165lb squatting over 380lb? cuz thats what im doing.... [:o?]
and doing dead lift over 270lb?
i have no idea how i do that but doesnt seem like is normal even when i can do it?!?! o.O?