May 21, 2012
light shower through the afternoon till 4ish then turned cloudy
went to have a coup of coffee with my lovely mother for a afternoon sitting at the window looking out at the passing by cars and people. summer is about time...well at lease for a week or so we got a lovely big sun with high 20 degree, not so hot yet. But of course cant wait till the real summer to be here with 25+ degree getting tan and sun burn [;-)] cant wait cant wait.
But before that, i gata finish my book report. A book with 400+ pages and i gata finish it within this week. For some people, is not a problem since they can even read the whole book within 2 days. But for me, I personally dont read a lot...especially books, and i dont know why. I do read some articals on the web and few newpapers, but for books which I will be only reading a few pages then I ll stoped. It ll take me forever to read and finish a book. But some how I ll gata force myself to do it since after my book report i will be starting my vacation!!!
Camping, travelling...etc. Now thats what I call "SUMMER"
oh well, gata get to work now....just need to finish the damn book [:-]