either transferred to another department or quit working at the company
or started totally leaving him alone. And he began to love his job.
He noticed that when he was walking down the street that nobody came up to him and harassed him anymore.
They just weren t there. When he went and did his stand-up comedy
he started getting standing ovations and nobody was hackling him. His whole life changed
because he changed from focusing on what he did not want,
what he was afraid of, what he wanted to avoid, to focusing on what he did want.
So we may be very positive in our outlook and orientation,
and we tend to attract positive people and positive events and circumstances.
We may be very negative in our orientation, very angry,
in which case we tend to attract negative, angry people and negative , angry circumstances.
And so you end up attracting to you the predominate thought that you re holding in your awareness.
Whether those thoughts are conscious or whether they re unconscious,
that s the rub. If you look very carefully when it comes to the secret, the power of our mind,
the power of our attention in our daily lives it s all around us. All we gotta do is open our eyes
and look. You see Law of Attraction evidenced in your society
when you see that the one who speaks most of illness - has it,
when you see that the one who speaks most of prosperity - has it.
Law of Attraction is evident everywhere around you if you re understanding what it is.
It has to do with you being a magnet, attracting thought, attracting people,
attracting events, attracting life style. Indeed everything that you bring into your experience,
you bring because of this powerful Law of Attraction.
I mean, I m not talking to you from the point of view of just wishful thinking or imaginary, craziness.
I m talking to you from a deeper basic understanding. Quantum physics really begins to point to this discovery.
It says that you can t have a Universe without mind entering into it.
The mind is actually shaping the very thing that is being perceived.
Now, if you do not understand, that doesn t mean you should reject that.
You don t understand the electricity properly. First of all, no one even knows what electricity is.
And yet you enjoy the benefits off it. Do you know how it works?
I don t know how it works. But I do know this that you can cook a man s dinner with electricity
and you can also cook the man.
People often, at times when they begin to understand the great secret, they get frightened of all of these negative thoughts that they have.
Two things you need to be aware of. One: it is been proven now scientifically that an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought. So, that eliminates a degree of worry right there.
People often, at times when they begin to understand the great secret,
they get frightened of all of these negative thoughts that they have.
Two things you need to be aware of. One: it is been proven now scientifically that an affirmative thought
is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought.
So, that eliminates a degree of worry right there.
;因此, 這個事實可以消除你不少憂慮.
You live in a reality where there is this buffer of time. And truly, that serves you.
;你生活在這樣一個世界: 時間是帶有緩衝的.;實際上, 這對你有利.
You re really not wanting to be in an environment where your thoughts manifest immediately.
The evidence is long and coming and that is really a good thing.
So, you want to become aware of your thoughts,
;因此, 你需要注意你的思想,
you want to choose your thoughts carefully and you wanna have fun with this
Because, you are the masterpiece of your own life. You are the Michelangelo of your own life.
The David that you are sculpting is you. And you do it with your thoughts.
The leaders in the past who had the secret wanted to keep the power, and not share the power.
;過去, 那些知道這個秘密領袖人物們;想把這個秘密保守起來, 不與大家分享它的威力
So, they kept people ignorant of the secret. People went to work, they did their job, they came home.
;他們不讓人們知道這個秘密,;大家工作,幹活, 回家
With no power, because the secret was kept in the few.
;他們在生活的小道上艱難行進,沒有力量(去塑造自己的生活),因為只有少數人知道(創造美好生活的)秘密.(With前面缺了一句,好像是“They run on a track road”)
We live in a Universe in which there are laws. Just as there s Law of Gravity;
if you fall off the building, it doesn t matter whether you re a good person or a bad person,
you re gonna hit the ground. Everything that surround you right now in your life,
including the things you re complaining about, you ve attracted.
Now, I know at first blush, that s gonna be something that you hate to hear.
;嗯, 我知道, 初聽起來, 這個說法(at first blush: 一眼看上去);你可能不太喜歡聽.
You re gonna immediately say I didn t attract the car accident,
I didn t attract this particular client, I didn t particularly attract the debt,
I didn t attract...whatever it happens to be that you re complaining about.
And I m here to be a little bit in your face and to say "yes, you did attract it".
;可是,請原諒我的冒犯,;我要告訴你: "是的, 是你吸引了它們".
And this is one of the hardest concepts to get. But once you ve accepted it, it s life-transforming.
This is part of the overall giant secret here. And most of us attract by default.