今天一早就很倒楣╯﹏╰ 騎機車下山上班時差點”雷田(台)”
嚇了我一大跳☉ ☉頓時間清醒過來 還好我反應快 不然就要和
不可愛的柏油路面玩親親了 我才不想要咧 不過說真滴 有時真
的覺得我騎車車有點小危險 常常騎到一半就神遊太虛去了 還
有一次更離譜我連我什麼時候騎下山的 我都沒什麼印象 我真
的是去違害交通的 可是真的不能怪我啊 因為真的真的很想睡
咩唉~~可是這樣真的好可怕哦!! 而且那條路又常常出車禍
雨越下越大 竟然還打雷 我的天 好想哭哦!!等下我還要去上課耶 欲哭無淚 而且風又很大 上次也是這樣 雖然我騎的車車是125滴 可是也是會有快被吹跑的感覺 要是我騎50滴車車的話 可能真的會被吹跑吧 嗚嗚 太瘦也不好 不過下雨 嘿嘿 今天的體育課又泡湯了 啦~~啦~~ 不過其實也沒差啦 反正我本來就沒啥在上體育課了 只不過現在比較有理由可以偷懶
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
昨天上完電腦課和中國現代史只有一種感覺 我們真的是花錢去被虐的 天啊 電腦要考到第六章 現代史又只會一直寫一直寫 說什麼這樣的寫可以練字 字可以比較漂亮 騙誰啊 光看他的就知道沒有用還練字咧 害我們寫的手好酸眼睛又很痛 不過為了不要買書 嗚~~只好寫下去
昨天我可愛的室友終於從日本回來了 嗚~人家也好想去哦 好像還滿好
玩的[:D] 想去玩想去玩 而且她還帶很多粉好吃的東西肥來哦 那牛奶
真的是超好吃的 奶味好重哦 今天我們要吃起士口味 呼~期待吶!!今
又要開同樂會 一直吃一直吃 而且我們昨天又跑去買雞排 都是我室友沒
吃晚餐 害我也陷下去 呵呵 滿足中[:D][:D]
3.Brown Eyes(戀人未滿)
演唱:Destiny's Child 天命真女
Remember the first day when I saw your face
remember the first day when you smiled at me
you stepped to me and you said to me
I was the woman you dreamed about
remember the first day when you called my house
remember the first day when you took me out
we had butterflies although we tried to hide
and we both had a beautiful night
The way we held each others hand
the way we talked the way we laughed
it felt so good to find true love
I knew right then and there you were the one
I know that he loves me cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
when he stares at me you see that he cares for me
you see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me
and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul
Remember the first day, the first day we kissed
remember the first day we had an argument
we apologized and then we compromised
and we haven't argued since
remember the first day we stopped playing games
remember the first day you fell in love with me
it felt so good for you to say those words
cause I felt the same way too
The way we held each others hand
the way we talked the way we laughed
it felt so good to fall in love
and I knew right then and there you were the one
I know that he loves me cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
when he stares at me you see that he cares for me
you see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause its obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me
and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul
i'm so happy so happy that you're in my life
and baby now that you're a part of me
you showed me
showed me the true meanings of love
and i know he loves me
I know that he loves me cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
when he stares at me you see that he cares for me
you see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause its obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me
and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul
He looks at me and his brown eyes tell his soul
還記得見到你的第一天 還記得你對我初次微笑的那一天
你走到我身旁對我說 我是你夢寐以求的女人
還記得你第一次打電話給我 還記得你第一次約我出去
我們心頭小鹿亂撞卻故作鎮靜 那晚真是美麗的回憶
我倆甜蜜地手牽著手 或是聊到開心地大笑
找到真愛是如此美好 那時我就知道你註定我的他
我知道他真心愛我 因為他是這麼對我說
我知道他真心愛我 因為他是這麼做
你會明瞭他深深地愛著我 我知道他愛著我 不用別人說
我知道他愛著我 他相信著我 即使他沒吻著我 心理也一定在想我
當他注視著我 那雙深逐褐眼說明了他的真心
還記得唇與唇初次緊貼的那天 還記得第一次小鬥嘴的那天
我們說了抱歉 互讓一步 從此再也沒吵過嘴
還記得決定停止愛情遊戲的那天 還記得你發現愛我的那天
你說的話讓我好感動 因為我竟和你感受相同
我倆甜蜜地手牽著手 或是聊到開心地大笑
找到真愛是如此美好 那時我就知道你就是我的他
我知道他真心愛我 因為他是這麼對我說
我知道他真心愛我 因為他是這麼做
你會明瞭他深深地愛著我 我知道他愛著我 不用別人說
我知道他愛著我 他相信著我 即使他沒吻著我 心理也一定在想我
當他注視著我 那雙深逐褐眼說明了他的真心
有你在我生命我如此感激 寶貝 我泥中有你你泥中有我
你讓我明瞭 真愛的意義 我知道你愛我
我知道他真心愛我 因為他是這麼對我說
我知道他真心愛我 因為他是這麼做
你會明瞭他深深地愛著我 我知道他愛著我 不用別人說
我知道他愛著我 他相信著我 即使他沒吻著我 心理也一定在想我
當他注視著我 那雙深逐褐眼說明了他的真心
他注視著我 那雙深逐褐眼說明了他的真心