檔案狀態:    住戶編號:2460213
 ◕ 芓 芯 ◕ஜ 的日記本
♚ 海鳴威 感動MV 你的承諾 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 寶萊塢Devdas-幕後簡介
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: ♚ 印度電影 ♚ Devdas
作者: ◕ 芓 芯 ◕ஜ 日期: 2011.04.18  天氣:  心情:

    CHAHA AUR     C HAHA KUCH BHI NAHI .....  [  HQ ]   

       Aishwarya Rai    自《 寶萊塢生死戀 》  

     劇情簡介 /  歌舞MV /  歌詞  / 翻譯 /  原文 ; 中 文      

  電 影 翻 譯 :

 ps: 以下翻譯是我直接去翻譯翻的 . ( 簡 易 介 紹 大 概 可 看 懂 ) .

zamindar 和他的妻子 Kaushalya (思密達 Jaykar已經聽了他們的小兒子,來 Devdas (沙赫魯赫汗)從英國法學院回到他們在河谷 Sonapur,孟加拉的大廈。Kaushalya 日返港,堅稱,在家庭中的每個人都閉著眼睛,使她會去看他的第一人。

不過,她計畫事與願違的直的到來而不是家庭、 Devdas 去查克拉博帕瓦蒂帕羅 (艾什瓦爾雅 Rai),他青梅竹馬,我們先去看。這一事件點燃的帕羅 Kaushalya 的厭惡。

帕羅 Devdas 的鄰居和兒時的朋友。相隔年轉到愛他們的友誼。當在十歲時,他被派往英國時,她對他來說,她仔細地傾向于多年,決不允許熄滅點燃了一盞燈。

似乎每個人,包括帕羅的母親 (Kirron Kher),SumitraDevdas 帕羅將結婚,但 Devdas 的報復大嫂 Kumud Ananya 哈雷) 提醒帕羅 Kaushalya 孕產婦血統,包括 mujra 的舞蹈家。這被認為不宜與慕克吉家族的聯盟。

Sumitra 宣佈 Devdas 帕羅嫁給她渴望時,Kaushalya 將拒絕,並當眾侮辱她。報復行動,以確保帕羅將得到更好的婚姻,並儘快安排帕羅嫁給庫爾 Bhuvan (Vijayendra Ghatge)Sumitra 誓言四十一歲喪偶的三個孩子長大的貴族。

獲取與帕羅,他與他父親打架和逃到妓院和他的大學朋友 Chunnibabu (濟出納)。他留下一封信帕羅,為說明它們之間從未存在過的愛。在妓院,Devdas 符合善良 tawaif (茶花) 命名為 Chandramukhi Madhuri 迪克西特),愛上了他。

不久,Devdas 實現他的放棄帕羅的錯誤。Devdas 帕羅在她婚禮 Bhuvan 時返回,並要求她私奔他。帕羅拒絕,提醒他,他已如此輕易放棄她的方式。憂愁,開發導致帕羅她新娘的遊行和帕羅,抱著燈,分成哭泣的時候,她帶走。

,失去帕羅和他的家人都是傷心的。他永久移動到 Chandramukhi 的妓院,並變成酒精。最終,他變得很厲害,絲毫劑量的酒精能殺死他。

最終,他酗酒的消息到達帕羅,到達 Chandramukhi 的妓院和憤怒地指責她的操縱他喝到的人。不過,她很快實現 Chandramukhi 深切關心 DevdasChandramukhi 敦促帕羅說服 Devdas 停止喝酒 ;帕羅試圖說服他,但 Devdas 仍然固執。

他答應帕羅他去世前,他會來參加她的房間門口最後一次。帕羅邀請 Chandramukhi,她已廣交朋友,以慶祝她的丈夫在家的杜爾加供作和公婆不透露她的職業介紹了
Chandramukhi 人。

Bhuvan 引得女婿人原來是 Kalibabu (企業產品 Gunaji),常客 Chandramukhi 的妓院人作出不當的進展,對帕羅,揭示了她的背景和侮辱她 Bhuvan 和客人的前面。他還告訴帕羅 Bhuvan Devdas 的關係。因此,Bhuvan

告訴 Chandramukhi帕羅(他愛她) ,她必須讓他走。他決定前往該國,並由採用 Dharamdas (Tiku Talsania),受信任的僕人,他。在一列火車,他遇見了他的老朋友 Chunnibabu (濟出納),給了他一杯酒,而喝它知道它會致命。在死亡的邊緣,Devdas 記得最後一次,
和死前和帕羅家房門前見面的諾言。他一路遠程搭車旅行終於到達她家,Devdas 用盡最後的體力敲門,只願求見心愛的女人最後一面 帕羅 .

但礙於 ... 帕羅 夫家愛面子,隱瞞 Devdas 來過家門前的事實,俗不知
帕羅 聽到 Devdas 求助聲音,帕羅緊張得哭泣追趕奔跑出大廳,庭院前只見家
大門後面 的 Devdas ,早已吐血倒臥在地 ,
 Devdas 剩最後一口氣 , 仍不斷叫著。心愛的人 帕羅 lea .的 名  ....   


   Aishwarya Rai  自《  寶生死戀  》    

      :      原 文      

 Movie: Devdas (2002)  Song: Maar Dala
Singers: Kavita Krishnamurthy and Kay Kay
Music: Ismail Darber and Monty Sharma
Actors: Shah Rukh Khan, Madhuri Dixit and Aishwariya Ray
Director: Sanjay Leela BhansaliSir Narayan Mukherjee 
(Vijay Crishna), a zamindar, and his wife Kaushalya
 (Smita Jaykar) have heard that their younger son, Devdas (Shahrukh Khan),is coming home from a law school in England to their 

mansion in Tal Sonapur, Bengal. On the day of his return, Kaushalya insists everyone in the family close their eyes so that she will be the first person to see him. Her plan backfires, however, when instead of coming straight home, Devdas goes to see Parvati "Paro" Chakraborty (Aishwarya Rai), his childhood sweetheart, first. 
This incident ignites Kaushalya's dislike of Paro.

Paro is Devdas's neighbour and childhood friend. The years apart turned their friendship into love. When he was sent to England at the age of ten, she lit a lamp for him, which she carefully tended 
to over the years and never allowed to extinguish.

It seems to everyone, including Paro's mother Sumitra (Kirron Kher), that Devdas and Paro will get married, but Devdas's vindictive sister-in-law Kumud (Ananya Khare) reminds Kaushalya of Paro's maternal lineage,which consists of mujra dancers. This is considered 

inappropriate for an alliance with the Mukherjee family. When Sumitra announces her desire for Devdas and Paro to marry, Kaushalya rejects and humiliates her in public. In retaliation, Sumitra vows to ensure that Paro will get an even better marriage, and soon arranges for Paro to marry Thakur Bhuvan Chaudhry (Vijayendra Ghatge), a forty-year-old widowed aristocrat with three grown children.

Devdas gets into a fight with his father about his relationship with Paro, and flees to a brothel with his college friend Chunnibabu (Jackie Shroff). He leaves a letter for Paro, stating that love had never existed between them. At the brothel, Devdas meets a good-hearted tawaif (courtesan) named Chandramukhi (Madhuri Dixit), who falls in love with him. Soon, Devdas realizes his mistake in abandoning Paro.

Devdas returns to Paro at the time of her wedding to Bhuvan Chaudhry and asks her to elope with him. Paro refuses, reminding him of the way he had discarded her so easily. Grieved, Dev leads Paro to her bridal procession and Paro, still holding the lamp, 
breaks into sobs as she is carried away.

Devdas, having lost both Paro and his family, is heartbroken. He moves to Chandramukhi's brothel permanently and becomes an alcoholic. Eventually,he becomes so ill that the slightest dose of alcohol could kill him. Eventually, news of his alcoholism reaches Paro, who arrives at 

Chandramukhi's brothel and angrily accuses her of manipulating him into drinking. She soon realizes, however, that Chandramukhi deeply cares for Devdas. Chandramukhi urges Paro to convince Devdas to stop drinking; Paro attempts to persuade him, but Devdas remains stubborn. He promises Paro that before he dies, he will come 
to her doorstep one last time.

Paro invites Chandramukhi, whom she has befriended, to a celebration of Durga Puja at her husband's home and introduces Chandramukhi to her in-laws without revealing her profession. 

However, Bhuvan's ill-natured son-in-law who turns out to be Kalibabu (Milind Gunaji), a frequent visitor to Chandramukhi's brothel who made inappropriate advances towards Paro, reveals her background and humiliates her in front of 

Bhuvan and the guests. He also tells Bhuvan of Paro's relationship with Devdas. As a result, Bhuvan punishes Paro by permanently forbidding her from leaving the mansion. Devdas tells Chandramukhi that he loves her but that she must let him go. 

He decides to travel the country, and takes Dharamdas (Tiku Talsania), a trusted servant, with him. While on a train, he meets his old friend Chunnibabu (Jackie Shroff), who offers him a glass of wine, and drinks it knowing it will be fatal.

On the verge of death, Devdas remembers his promise to see Paro one last time. He travels to her house, collapsing in front of the main gate. Paro learns of his presence, and, screaming his name, runs out of the 

house and attempts to reach him. Bhuvan sees this and orders the servants to close the gates, leaving Paro sobbing in front of them. Devdas sees a blurred image of Paro running to him, but the gates close before she can reach him and Devdas dies.  At the same time,
 the lamp that Paro had lit for him flickers out

 作 者 簡 介 :  
畢汗沙李 - 拍的 [寶萊塢生死戀],氣勢磅薄的大功.全劇率領著,超大卡司的功力,畢汗沙李 - 無疑的是印度傳奇的導演.
拉吉卡布(1924 - 1988)Mehboob Khan 1906 - 1964 
印度之母) (Bimal Roy 1909 - 1966) 
二畝地/1955寶萊塢生死戀) V. Shantaram(1901 - 1990),Karimuddin Asif(NA~1971)  (Mughal-e-Azam)的繼承者,

年他與印度巨星 - 阿米塔巴吉 & 邀請祖母級的伴唱界,大老Lata Mangeshkar,合作一部名為[黑Black]和另一部,沙曼汗及
卡卡琳娜卡,年等名星的新片[Bajirao Mastan] 世人將拭目以侍!

 ps : 左下角處  - > 可以提供有閃光的好友 - 切換按鈕使用  !  ^^" .


瀏覽次數:58    人氣指數:1858    累積鼓勵:90
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
♚ 海鳴威 感動MV 你的承諾 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 寶萊塢Devdas-幕後簡介
時間:2011-04-18 18:15
他, 46歲,新北市,製造/供應商
