The month long vacation eventually ends. The fireworks on the 4th of July is a perfect ending for it. Right... A perfect end ...《看全文》
His family goes to China visiting relatives for a month so he is free from the family for a month too. We know this event is comin ...《看全文》
The thing with Mr. H has been more than 2 months. It all started out of nowhere. Never imagine this could happen at all. At thi ...《看全文》
一邊是交往了八年的男朋友, 因為工作關係, 現在算是遠距離的交往 可是, 他確連續幾個星期沒聯絡, 連絡上了又是沒什麼重點的交談 我們之間本來就有問題存在, 因為這遠距離,甚至更加重了我們本有的問題 也更讓我有時間去思考這份感情的去留 一邊是第一任 ...《看全文》
Going for Cruise to Catalina Island & Ensenada Mexico next week!! ...《看全文》
不是因為工作而忙碌的週末,過的很愉快 帶著家人和朋友一塊出門,一起逛街,一同吃飯 Babysit 朋友的小孩,讓他們夫妻倆有獨處約會的機會 Not a Bad Weekend!! ...《看全文》