This is my last in Australia ,living here is very comfortable . Nothing to do except studying in school .
As to the topic we talk ...《看全文》
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HI! Time flies like an arrow .It s the time to go back our lovely country .Living in oversea ,everything is very expensive ,so I t ...《看全文》
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I m very gald to come here to study general English .There are too many Taiwanese here ,I Choise the SHAFASTON Internatinal Colleg ...《看全文》
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大家好: 好久沒出國了,我準備下個月九月初到澳洲布理斯本遊學,三個月 ,希望澳洲的同鄉幫助一下
我想住澳洲朋友家,不知有人要幫助我嗎? I retired from junior high school, I was a teacher and taug ...《看全文》
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大家好, 來美濃靈山看風景,山上有很多monkey ,very big and active 會偷拜的水菓及糖菓,但是有一個密訣可把它趕走,只要你有一把彈弓,拿出作個射擊手勢,它就跑走了
美林登山社下午班的,快要解体了,只剩下兩三對,談戀愛的班底了, ...《看全文》
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明天我們美濃靈山,登山的朋友要煮竹筍雞了,時間是下午三點開飯了,歡迎來參加,第一次免費,優待新朋友 ...《看全文》
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日記起始日: 2010-05-03
日記總篇數: 6 篇
瀏覽總人數: 310 人次
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